The Procurement Department which is one of the Departments under the MD/CE’s office is headed by a General Manager who oversees and coordinates the activities of the Department.
The Department is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that goods and services
are purchased at the right quality, quantity and price from the right sources at the right
time in accordance with the best practice and acceptable procedure as provided in the
Procurement Act of 2007.
This Act enables FAAN to achieve BPP’s core value of:
i. Establishing a pricing standard and benchmark.
ii. Ensuring that the application of fair competitiveness, transparency, value for
money, standard practices for procurement and disposal of public assets and
services are maintained.
iii. Attaining transparency, competitiveness, cost effectiveness and
Professionalism in the Public Sector Procurement System.
For administrative convenience, the Department is subdivided into following Sections:-
iv. Procurement
v. Quality Control/Price Intelligence (i.e. Market survey)
vi. Tender.
SECTIONS: Their various respective responsibilities includes:-
a. Issuing and documentation of contract Awards
b. Contract Monitoring and Implementation/ Record Unit

c. Receiving procurement requisition for goods, works and services.
d. Aggregating of needs assessment
e. Preparation of Procurement plan in conjunction with Procurement
Planning Committee (PPC)
f. Procurement of contract order through Local Purchase Order (LPO) and Job Order (JO)
- Engaging in regular market survey of goods, works and services
- Ensuring value for money in all procurement process i.e. Price Data Base.
- Monitoring the execution of contracts
- Ensuring effective research within supplies concept.
- Ensuring quality invoice in all procurement processes i.e. Quality Control
- 2007.
- Placement of advertisement in consonance with PPA
- Receiving, collating and selling of Tender documents
- Collection of bids from Bidders
- Opening of submitted Bids
- Arrange for evaluation (Technical and Financial) in conjunction with the relevant Departments and Directorates
- Selection of successful Bidders
- Preparation of Evaluation Reports (Technical and Financial)
- Debriefing of Bidders
- Arranging for PPC an PTB meeting
- Acting as Secretariat at PPC and PTB meeting
- Keeping proper records of proceeding at PPC and PTB
- Ensuring due process in all procurement activities in line with PPA 2007
- Due process compliance (Board Matters).
- Contract Processing Unit
PROCESS Advertisement

All documents should be advertised either in the Newspaper (2,5Million and above for Supply and 5Million and above for Works) or Notice Board (Below 2,5Million for Supply and Below 5Million for Works) for prospective contractors to bid.

*Newspaper -(6 Weeks) *Notice Board - (2 Weeks).
PROCESS Bid Opening

Should be conducted in the presence of FAAN Staff drawn from relevant Directorates and Departments, Independent Observers and the Companies representatives.

Immediately after Bid Closing.
PROCESS Financial Evaluation

Shortlisted candidates having satisfied all the requirements are invited to procure financial bid documents for Supplies and Works jobs at different times during the year.

2 Weeks notification
PROCESS Technical Evaluation

In consonance with PPA 2007, a Technical Evaluation Committee from the various Department/Directorates is constituted by the Management to verify the documents submitted by the interested companies to ascertain their level of compliance with the requirements mentioned in the advertisement i.e. - Evidence of Company Registration - Current Tax Certificate for the last 3years, - Registration for Value Added Tax (VAT), - Compliance with Pension Reform Act (2004) - Certificate of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) - Evidence of Registration with Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP).